Sunday, December 17, 2017

Important Announcement (Arabic and Religion Exams)

Image result for important announcement clipart
Dear Parents,
As we approach the middle of this academic year, I would like to wish all students the best of luck in their upcoming Semester Exams.
I would also like to announce some important dates:
January 9th ,10th ,and  11th ,2018: Arabic revision in school

January 14th : Arabic Exam
January 15th : No school
January 16th: Religion Exam
January 17th : No school
January 18th : Activity Week Starts (Grades 1-3) Civics Exam (Grades 4-12)

Kindly note that during the Arabic  Revision and Exams’ Weeks, students will leave school at 12:00 pm.

Weekly Homework (December 17th - December 19th)

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 12/17/17 – 12/19/17

Book p. 183 and 184
Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 94-103


Reading Practice:
” Move It! ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 86 - 93

Book p. 189 and 190
Reading Practice:
Progress Monitoring 5



Friday, December 15, 2017

Star of the Week (December 14th)

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪star of the week crown‬‏

This week's star of the week is Fraida Radwan. Hooray!!

Farida has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of.  She is considerate with many friends and is always polite and sensible

Way to go Farida!!

Image result for star of the week clipart

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Weekly Plan (December 10th - December 14th)

Grade 1 Weekly Plan
Date: 12/10/17 – 12/14/17

What we covered :
Week ending December 7th, 2017
What we will cover this week:
Week ending December 14th, 2017


Phonics: r-Blends and s-Blends

Comprehension:” Toss! Kick! Hop! ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading

  Grammar: Questions and Exclamations
Mechanics: Question Marks  and Exclamation  Marks

Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 92 and 93

Reading Practice:        Progress Monitoring  3  and  4 

Introduce the Concept: ESSENTIAL QUESTION  How does your body move?
Oral Vocabulary Words: exercise, physical
High-Frequency Words: jump, move, run, two

Comprehension:” Move and Grin! ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading, Find Text Evidence
Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions

  Text Feature: Diagram
Structural Analysis: Possessives
Spelling Words Practice: spill, spin, grab, grass, drop, drip, two, move
*Spelling Test on Thursday, December 14,2017


Lesson 2.8: Subtract from 4 and 5
Lesson 2.9: Subtract from 6 and 7

Lesson 2.10: Subtract from 8
Lesson 2.11: Subtract from 9


What are some kinds of land?
Natural Resources

Social Studies

Land and Water

Earth’s Resources

Weekly Homework (December 10th - December 14th)

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 12/10/17 – 12/14/17


Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 88-91

Book p. 171 and 172


Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 94-103
Book p. 177 and 178
Spelling Words Practice

Reading Practice:
” Using Diagrams ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 94 and 95

*Spelling Test on Thursday, December 14,2017