Monday, October 30, 2017

Weekly Plan (October 29th - November 2nd)

Grade 1 Weekly Plan 
Date: 10/29/17 – 11/2/17

What we covered :
Week ending October 26th, 2017
What we will cover this week:
Week ending November 2nd, 2017


ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is it like where you live?
Text Feature: Photographs
Comprehension:” Six Kids” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading 
Phonics:      Short
Grammar: Sentences
Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation 
Spelling Words Practice: pin, win, hit, sit, miss, kiss, out, up

Comprehension:” Go, Pip! ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading 
Comprehension:” I Live Here ” genre, words, Key Details,  Respond to Reading
Phonics: l-Blends 
Grammar: Word Order
Text Feature: Bold Print
High-Frequency Words: be, good, come, pull
  • “Six Kids”
  • High-Frequency Words: down, out, up, very
*Quiz on Thursday, November 2, 2017

Lesson 1.10: Ways to make 9
Lesson 1.11: Ways to make 10

Chapter 1 Review and Quiz
Lesson 2.1: Subtraction Stories 


How do plants grow and change?
How can we group plants?

Social Studies

Celebrating HalloweenpastedGraphic.png
Spooky Trip 

What is it like to live in the city or the country?

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Halloween Celebration

Image result for Halloween Banner

Our class will be having a Halloween Party on Tuesday, October 31st, 2017. Students will be allowed to come to school dressed in their costumes. We will be having a dish party in our classrooms. Please only pack a breakfast and a snack on this day as children will be eating party food from lunchtime onward. Please allow your child to bring any of the following items:


10x small cartoons of juice

Small Sandwiches

Fruit Salad


Tuesday is a regular school day.

Happy Halloween!!

Image result for halloween clipart

Quarter 2 Theme

Image result for space clipart
This Quarter's Theme is All About SPACE!!

Weekly Homework (October 29th - November 2nd)

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 10/29/17 – 11/2/17


Reading Practice:
” Go, Pip!”  Wonders Literature Anthology Book pages 26-39

*Math Quiz 
Reading Practice:
” I Live Here ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 42-47



Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 34- 43

Book p. 113 - 114
Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 50-53

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bean Plant Project

We will plant our bean plants next week as a part of this week's science lesson "How  do plants grow and change?" and we  need the following by Sunday, October 29th, 2017.:

  • 1 Plastic cup.
  • Soil or Cotton
  • Some beans
Image result for bean plant clipart

Star of the Week (October 26th)

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪star of the week crown‬‏

This week's star of the week is Abduljawad. Hooray!!

 Abduljawad exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom and he is always seeking new challenges. 
Way to go Abduljawad!!

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪star of the week‬‏